Tentang Kami - Service Kulkas

Kami adalah penyedia jasa service kulkas dan freezer terpercaya di Pekanbaru, ditangani oleh teknisi berpengalaman yang siap membantu Anda dengan layanan terbaik dan profesional.
Service Freezer Harapan Raya
Service Freezer Bukit Raya
Service FreezerKubang
Service Freezer Rumbai
Service Kulkas Sukajadi
Service Kulkas Panam
Service Kulkas Tampan

A blue refrigerator door is adorned with an assortment of colorful magnets, including circular and square shapes. Some of the magnets feature characters, animals, and various symbols. Among them is a yellow sticky note with the message '#Enjoy Cooking' written on it. The design styles range from playful to vintage, with images of moose, spaceships, and abstract patterns.
A blue refrigerator door is adorned with an assortment of colorful magnets, including circular and square shapes. Some of the magnets feature characters, animals, and various symbols. Among them is a yellow sticky note with the message '#Enjoy Cooking' written on it. The design styles range from playful to vintage, with images of moose, spaceships, and abstract patterns.



Teknisi Berpengalaman

Layanan Terpercaya

Lokasi Kami

Kami beroperasi di Pekanbaru, menyediakan layanan service kulkas terpercaya dengan teknisi berpengalaman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.


jl.tengku bay Pekanbaru Riau


08:00 - 17:00